What is a Student of Concern?
值得关注的学生是任何表现出可能妨碍他们在大学环境中取得成功的行为的学生. To report a student of concern, please complete the Student of Concern Online Form, which will be directed to the University’s CARE Team.
Fellow students, family members, faculty, 工作人员可以在帮助有困难的学生方面发挥无价的作用. Your expression of interest, concern, 而同情心是学生寻求帮助的一个重要因素. 如果由于自身或他人的安全受到威胁而需要立即援助, call the police by dialing 911. For on-campus situations, 请致电540-678-4444与校园安全部门联系,或拨打校园电话分机号4444.
For more information or questions, please contact the Associate VP for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, Sue O’Driscoll, at 540-545-7399.
Submit a Student of Concern Form
Report an Incident of Sexual Misconduct
What happens after a Student of Concern report is filed?
一旦“关注学生”报告被归档,它将被发送给关怀团队进行审查. CARE团队的一名成员将与提交报告的个人联系,以确认他们的报告已被收到, to gather additional information as needed, and to share that steps are being taken to help support the student. Please note that depending upon the circumstances and confidentiality, 推荐人可能不会收到有关学生行动计划的具体信息. 关怀小组每周开会,讨论潜在的资源和通过关注学生过程转介的学生的外展. Based on the situation and level of need, CARE团队的一名成员可以直接与学生联系,评估哪些资源对学生有益,并与学生合作制定行动计划,以减少他们在澳门网上赌博平台取得成功的障碍.
What is the CARE team?
CARE团队的任务是协调澳门网上赌博平台的支持服务,以便为可能经历一些潜在有害或令人不安的行为的学生提供帮助,并通过适当的方式促进学业成功和安全, timely, and caring response.
CARE team Goals
- 为大学社区成员提供安全的物理环境
- Provide a safe emotional environment for the university community
- 促进大学社区的朋友和家人的心灵安宁
CARE Team Members:
Sue O’Driscoll
Associate VP for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
sodrisco09@hxnew.net | 540-545-7399
Brittney Burton
Director of Residence Life
bburton@hxnew.net | 540-665-4799
Mark Allen
Director of Campus Safety
safety@hxnew.net| 540-665-4444
Holli Phillips
Assistant Dean of Accessibility and Support
hphillip@hxnew.net | 540-665-4928
Nicholas Coleman
Director of the Counseling Center
ncoleman@hxnew.net | 540-665-4530
Karri Moser
Academic Advising Specialist
karri.moser@hxnew.net | 540-665-1290
Joseph Cooper
Coordinator of Conduct & Community Standard
jcooper18@hxnew.net | 540-667-4462
Rodney Bragdon
Faculty Representative
What constitutes a concern
Troubling Behaviors:
- Constantly falling asleep in class
- A dramatic change in energy level (high or low)
- Poor hygiene or changes in appearance
- Significant changes in weight
- Frequent state of alcohol intoxication
- Potential self-harm: noticeable cuts, bruises, or burns
- Repeated absences from class, work study, or normal activities
- Apathy/extreme change in participation levels
- Seeking frequent extensions or exceptions for extenuating circumstances
- Sending communication such as frequent, lengthy, “ranting,” or agitated types of emails professors, advisors, coaches, or work supervisors
- Emotional outbursts (anger or hostility, frequent crying)
- Extreme personality changes (more withdrawn or more animated than usual)
- Expressed hopelessness, fear, or worthlessness; themes of suicide, death, and dying
- 直接陈述有关痛苦、家庭问题或其他困难的事情
- Food insecurity or lack of housing
Disruptive Behaviors:
- 干扰或破坏其他学生的教育过程和权利或学校的正常运作
- Demanding, verbally abusive, bullying, or intimidating behaviors
- Displays of extreme irritability
- Irrational or impulsive behaviors
Threatening Behaviors:
- Signs of physical abuse
- Physical/verbal confrontations
- Directs threats of harming self or others
- 暴力的:关于、提到、接触或使用武器或暴力行为的
- Threatening communication
Tips for Intervening
- See the student in private. This may help minimize embarrassment and defensiveness.
- 承认你对他们情况的观察和看法,并表达你的担忧.
- 仔细倾听学生的问题,试着去看他们的观点,而不是一定同意或不同意. Explore alternatives.
- 试着找出学生的担忧以及你自己的担忧或不安.
- Strange or inappropriate behavior should not be ignored. Comment directly on what you have observed.
- Involve yourself only as far as you are able. 为了帮助一个有问题的学生,你可能会比时间或技能允许的更投入. 在这些情况下,转介到咨询中心可能是合适的. 咨询中心为所有参加学位课程的入学学生提供免费和保密的服务.
- To connect a student with the Counseling Center, 从你的办公室拨打540-665-4530或带学生到较低的蕾西大厅.
Can I submit a report anonymously?
Yes, Student of Concern reports can be submitted anonymously. However, 因为CARE团队可能需要跟进以获得澄清或其他信息, you are encouraged to identify yourself in your report.
Will the student know I made the report?
It is recommended that before submitting a report to the CARE Team, reporters first talk to the student directly about their concerns and, when appropriate, refer the student to campus resources. 然而,在某些情况下,这可能是不合适的或不可能的. CARE团队的成员将谨慎地避免披露报告方的姓名. However, due to the small size of our community or the nature of your concern, a student may be able to conclude who made the report.
What follow-up can I expect from the CARE Team as a reporter?
Once a Student of Concern report is filed, CARE团队的一名成员将联系提交报告的个人,以确认他们的报告已经收到,并且正在采取措施帮助支持学生. CARE团队的代表也可能会出面澄清问题或要求提供更多信息. In many situations, 护理小组可能无法向报告者提供详细的后续信息,因为这些信息仅在需要知道的基础上共享.
What happens if I am referred to the CARE Team?
如果有人关心你,并与CARE团队分享他们的关心, you can expect a representative of the CARE Team to reach out to you 评估哪些资源对你有利,并与你合作制定行动计划,以减少你在澳门网上赌博平台取得成功的障碍. CARE团队与您的合作是保密的,不会与其他学生分享, family members, staff, or faculty without your permission or a legitimate reason to do so.
与CARE团队共享的信息不属于与医疗保健提供者或心理治疗师/咨询师相同的保密级别. 我们会尽一切努力保护您的隐私,所讨论的信息只会在帮助学生的情况下共享. The CARE Team will share information on a need-to-know basis.
For more information or questions, 请联系学生事务副总裁和学生教务长, Sue O’Driscoll, at 540-545-7399.
Resources for Those in Need
如果你在满足你的基本需求方面有困难,援外关怀团队会在这里提供帮助. 查看校园和社区资源的列表,这些资源可以为您或其他人提供帮助和支持, please contact Holli Phillips at hphillip@hxnew.net. You can also submit a Student of Concern report, 如果您想与这些资源中的任何一个连接,或者如果您需要这里没有列出的资源.